My friend got a screen shot before he changed the photo. News got to him fast and he changed it only a few minutes ago. I wrote him a letter a few days ago and have yet to hear from him. Here's a screen shot and the image. The original image is further down in the blog.
Pretty terrible.


We had to ride in the rain the other day. It was a very nice change from the sun and heat, but it actually made me shiver!! Where is the in between!???

Playing in the river. This is not allowed, we know. Soj made him do it.

A couple of days ago, in between Ava and a town called Vanzant, we were halted by the heat. Or rather, we were halted by a tempting river. We decided to go ahead and just set up camp there. I was able to get my leather stuff out and work a little until the sun wilted me. Walter read a book and ate animal crackers. 

Gathering wood down the river for a fire.
We got up a little late the next morning. 6am. We wanted to get up at 3am. We're getting ready...putting on Soj's dancin' shoes. It was a hot ride that day (yesterday).
But we did find this river which helped a lot. It was the first river we have all been in that was over our heads. It was great...and cool!
Back flip off the Back off!

It was a beautiful ride yesterday morning. These Missouri roads are pretty spectacular. 

Back in Ava Sojourner got to play with Tom and Vicki's granddaughter.
While I played with their little dog who was fascinated by Soj. 

Walter gave us a lift back in the Gator. We all had a wonderful dinner together.
And I learned some new scales. 
This turtle was in the middle of the road and almost got squashed so I brought him to Walter. 

Walter and Roy. Roy came out to meet us to ride the last 8 or so miles in. I had a pretty bad stomach ache though so Walter ended up walking Soj the entire rest of the way in as Roy rode along next to him. I wish we had more time with Roy. He was such a gentle, kind soul. Walter really, really enjoyed his company.
In the Town and Country Market parking lot. The Saddle Club and members of the community donated a room for us at the Comfort Inn here in Willow Springs. When we woke up this morning, Darel called us to tell us we had the room for another night. They thought we could use the rest. Oh, are they ever right. I couldn't believe it when Walter walked in and told us we had the room another day thanks to Darel and his wife, Jan.Such kindness!
Darel and Sojourner. Sojourner has a wonderful place over at Darel and Jan's ranch. They feed him over and above what we feed him so he is getting all he can eat and loving it. There are some beautiful Arabian Stallions and mares at their ranch. I will be sure to get some good photos of them. One of the Stallions is right across from Sojourner and wants oh so badly to be his buddy...in many ways.
One of the best sets of photos yet. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteWhat are you doing putting soap on that horse?! Run Sojourner!
Just kidding. I know it doesn't hurt him or anything, but I've never used soap on Buster. Just hose him off. And his coat is lustrous and healthy.
awesome photos! AWESOME
ReplyDeleteNo More jumping off bridges backwards, you will make me have to come out there and get you!!!
ReplyDeleteSoj looked like he was liking the water, he is so sweet.
You sure have met some incredibly wonderful people. Love you
I love all the pics! Especially the last one! HAVE YOU HUGGED YOUR HORSE TODAY?????????! ;)
ReplyDeleteLinny and Walter,
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome to come back to our little horse heaven anytime you want. Don't forget to bring Sojourner. All of our horses are wondering where he is having an adventure now.
Take care and God Bless.
Jan and Darel
Wow! So giddy over finding your blog! Do you have a map of where you are headed? We are in Morgantown, WV and would love to host you and ride along for a bit. God be with you! Juli
ReplyDeleteThanks, Tom and Darcy!! We had faster internet so I could upload more photos!
ReplyDeleteJan, we just ate the last of your bread. It is missed.
We want to come back and eat cake and work with leather and break Arabian stallions!!
wvjuli, I'm so glad you found the blog, too! I am not sure of the route through WV yet, but I do know we're coming!! We might be a bit East of you by then, but maybe not. We really only know our exact route about a week or two ahead of time. It's always changing. Stay in touch though-we would love to stay with you if we can!
Post more! LOL. I should have not read your entire journey via the blog so quickly, now I am having withdrawals! It is very hot all over the country, I hope you are doing ok. This is a wonderful story about humanity. Thank you so much for sharing!
Kathy!! :) I think Walter is going to write one today....
ReplyDeleteWe had our first little vacation since the ride started. We are in the Ozarks and had a little cabin for one night (last night). We turned the phones off and didn't bring the computers! Today is catch up day though and tomorrow we ride again.
We are with a great couple right now and plan to play a good game of pool tonight so I'll get some good photos.
Soj is outside resting up-he's had a nice little vacation as well.
Thanks so much for coming with us on this trek!
Love, Lin
The last photo says it all. I recall that you did backflips as a kid so they don't bother me as long as you know where you are going...